Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing treatment used to remove top layers of skin by a chemical solution. After treatment, the skin looks younger in appearance. Chemical peels are used to treat scars, wrinkles, and skin distortion. A chemical peel may be used alone or in combination with other cosmetic procedures. Depending on the results you desire, you can select a chemical peel with a certain depth of penetration—superficial, medium, or deep. A different chemical solution is used for each type of chemical peel.

Chemical Peel Treatment FAQs

What are the benefits of a chemical peel?

  • Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage
  • Treat various types of acne
  • Reduce age spots, dark patches, and freckles due to pregnancy
  • Improve the look of skin
  • Reduce fine lines around the mouth and eyes
  • Treat skin distortion and scars

Do I need a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a great way to rejuvenate and refresh your skin. It can treat common skin problems and signs of aging, such as acne, scars, wrinkles, and skin pigmentation. Everyone can benefit from a chemical peel. It’s easier to prevent damage than to repair it, so there’s no need to wait until wrinkles, pigment concerns, or uneven textures appear.

Chemical peels improve skin texture, brighten your complexion, minimize pore size, and balance skin pigmentation. They exfoliate the outermost layer of skin to smooth out fine lines, wrinkles, and rough dry skin.

Patients with fair skin and light hair are the best candidates for a chemical peel. Depending on the type of problem treated, when you have darker hair, you may also see great results.

If you have scheduled a chemical peel at Primary Care Simplified, let us know if you have any of the following conditions as we may need to postpone the treatment:

  • Active cold sores
  • Open lesions
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Untreated diabetes
  • Any burn (sun or otherwise)
  • Use of the prescription Accutane within the last 6 months
  • Any recent facial surgery

Skin sags and deep wrinkles do not respond well to chemical peels. They might require another type of cosmetic procedure, like laser resurfacing, brow lift, facelift, or soft tissue filler. A physician can help you identify the type of treatment that is most appropriate.

What should you do before a chemical peel treatment?

Before your chemical peel treatment, your doctor may ask you to follow the instructions below:

  • Avoid extensive sun exposure, especially 10 days before your scheduled chemical peel.
  • Don’t wax your face for up to 7 days before.
  • If you are taking an acne treatment regimen, you need to stop the use of Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, or Ziana five days before the treatment.
  • If you are using Retinol products, stop taking Retin-A (retinol) products or applications for 7-10 days prior to a chemical peel. High percentage alpha hydroxy (AHA) and beta hydroxy (BHA) products should be stopped 5 days before treatment.
  • Avoid the gym 24 hours before your chemical peel.
  • Do not use aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for at least 7-10 days before treatment.

To determine the depth of your peel, your doctor will discuss with you the desired results. Your doctor may also ask you to stop taking other certain other medications before your chemical peel. Ask your doctor if you need someone to bring you home after a chemical peel.

What to Expect After Chemical Peel

After your chemical peel, you can expect to see some changes before you notice results. Around post-peel day 3, you may experience mild to moderate shedding, depending on the depth of chemical peel, the number of layers applied and depth of the chemical peel. You can expect to experience dryness and tightness of the skin.

Flaking and peeling is also very common, unless you had a superficial peel. Superficial peels have little to no downtime, so you may not experience these side effects. Whatever you do, do not peel or pick at the peeling skin. You must allow the skin to flake off naturally. Picking at the peeling skin can cause hyperpigmentation.

For the first 48 hours after your chemical peel, we recommend you to not do any activities that increase body heat and sweat. This includes drinking alcohol, exercise, working out, hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, swimming, or using a hair dryer close to the treated area. Internal heating can cause hyperpigmentation.

Ask Dr. McCracken for any other instructions for post-treatment care.

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Are you ready to explore direct primary care with a whole health approach to your wellness? Our number one goal is always to be patient-focused and driven to provide the absolute best care. Schedule a consultation with us today and learn what personalized, integrative medical care can do for you.

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